Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Best Children Hospitals in America

Here is a review on the best hospitals in Pediatrics in the US.

The following criterion were used for ranking them:

Reputation. A total of 1,100 pediatricians were surveyed by mail and asked to name up to five centers they believe to be most successful with difficult cases in their specialty. They were chosen at random from the database of the American Board of Medical Specialties, 200 for general pediatrics and 150 for each of the six specialties. In cancer, for example, only pediatric oncologists and hematologists were surveyed. Slightly more than half responded. Depending on specialty, reputation counted for 50 or 60 percent of the final score.

. Inpatient death rate is employed in heart and heart surgery and in neurology and neurosurgery. It does not work for specialties that focus on outpatients—cancer, digestive disorders, and respiratory disorders. Neonatal measures are in progress. Where available, outcome counted for 10 percent of the final score.

Care-related measures. Examples include nurse staffing, the availability of important technologies, and patient volume. These measures counted for 40 percent of a hospital's score.

Does your mode affect how fat you become?

A brain chemical related to mood and appetite may also directly affect fat gain, suggests a US study.

They said levels of serotonin, the nerve-signaling chemical targeted by many antidepressants, may also direct the body to put down fat regardless of how much food is eaten.

"It may be one reason diets fail," metabolism expert Kaveh Ashrafi of the University of California, San Francisco, who led the study, said in a telephone interview.

More on it here:;_ylt=AlbugmF_k3AiUjiSJAK.iSDVJRIF
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