Thursday, December 27, 2007

Home Remedy for Tooth Ache

A toothache, also known as odontalgia, is an aching pain in or around a tooth.

In most cases toothaches may be caused by problems in the tooth or jaw which include:

  1. Cavities

  2. Gum disease

  3. The emergence of wisdom teeth

  4. Cracked tooth

  5. Infected dental pulp

  6. Jaw disease

  7. Exposed tooth root

In rare cases, a toothache may also be a symptom of diseases of the heart, such as angina or a myocardial infarction, due to referred pain. In that case the remedies given below won't help and you would need to consult a doctor. Now let's look at some of the common home remedies that you could try for the former case:

1. Chew a clove slowly with the aching teeth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat this about 2-3 times.

2. Instead of a clove you could also use a ginger piece for the above remedy.

3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of common salt in half a cup of boiling water. Take a mouthful of this water and move it around the aching tooth. Do this about 5 times.

4. Pour a few drops of Vanilla extract on the paining tooth.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Constipation Home Remedy

Constipation, is a condition of the digestive system where a person experiences hard feces that are difficult to egest. Causes of constipation may be dietary, hormonal, anatomical, a side effect of medications, or an illness or disorder. Treatments consist of changes in dietary and exercise habits, the use of laxatives, and other medical interventions depending on the underlying cause.

Here are some possible suggestion to consider for helping you tackle constipation

1. The most important causes of chronic constipation are a faulty diet and style of living. Being regular with you timings can help a great deal.

2. Increase the fibre content of your diet. Try taking more of fruits and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, apples, berries, apricots, peaches, pears, oranges, prunes, corn, peas, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.

3. Vinegar: Mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water, and drink.

4. Add Barley cereal to your diet.

5. Increase your water intake.

6. Guava is another good remedy for constipation. When eaten with seeds, it provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels. Try taking one or two guavas everyday.

Home remedy for Sore Throat

Sore throat treatment can be done by using ANY ONE of the following remedies depending on the ingredients available to you.

1. Gargle with saltwater. Mix 1 teaspoon of table salt in 1 pint of warm or room-temperature water. Gargle the solution once every hour.

2. Dissolve 1 teaspoon salt in half a cup of cider vinegar and mix in 1 cup warm water. Gargle every 15 minutes as necessary.

3. Sip lemon juice. Add a tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice in a cup of warm water. Sip this mixture.

4. Gargle with a solution of white vinegar, water, salt and crushed vitamin C.

Additional Tips

Drink plenty of liquids. Teas and water are best. Stay away from smoking. If the sore throats keeps recurring or lasts more than 2 weeks consult a doctor immediately.

Liposuction Information

What is Liposuction ?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty ("fat modeling"), liposculpture or suction lipectomy ("suction-assisted fat removal") is a cosmetic surgery operation that removes fat from many different sites on the human body. Areas affected can range from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, to the neck, backs of the arms and elsewhere. The fat is usually removed via a cannula (a hollow tube) and aspirator (a suction device).

As with any surgery, with Liposuction, there are certain risks, beyond the temporary and minor side effects. The surgeon may mention them during a consultation. Not everybody is a good candidate for liposuction. Infact, it is not a good alternative to dieting or exercising. To be a good candidate, one must be:

  • Over 18

  • In good general health

  • Have tried a diet and exercise regime, and find that the last 10 or 15 pounds persist in certain pockets on the body.

Diabetes, any infection, or heart or circulation problems usually nullify one's eligibility for the procedure.

Facial Liposuction

Facial liposuction removes excess fatty tissue in the face. The surgeon performing the facial liposuction uses a special tube (cannula) inserted in an inconspicuous location on the face or neck. Facial liposuction procedures, like other liposuction procedures, use suction to remove fat from under the skin.

Abdominal Liposuction

During abdominal liposuction, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin, typically in the navel or just below the bikini line, and inserts a cannula into the fatty area. The cannula is used to break up the fat deposits and sculpt the area to the desired proportions. The unwanted fat is removed with a powerful vacuum, leaving the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels intact.

Neck Liposuction

During the Neck Liposuction procedure, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin, typically in the crease just under the chin or behind the ear lobes. He/she next inserts a thin tube called a cannula into the fatty area. The cannula is used to break up the fat deposits and sculpt the area to the desired proportions. The unwanted fat is removed with a high pressure vacuum, leaving the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels intact.

Thigh Liposuction

Precise areas are marked and general anaestasia or sedatives may be given.During the procedure, the doctor makes a tiny incision in the skin, typically in or near the buttock crease or at the site of a previous scar, and inserts a thin tube called a cannula into the fatty area. The cannula is used to break up the fat deposits and sculpt the area to the desired proportions. The unwanted fat is removed with a high pressure vacuum, leaving the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels intact.

Liposuction Prices

Factors that determine Liposuction Cost include:
1) The size of the patient
2) Amount of time and effort required of the surgeon
3) Cost of anesthesiologist's services
4) Operating room fees
5) Preoperative laboratory fees
6) Other related expenses, such as elastic compression garments, etc.

Here are some tentative prices listed for Liposuction:

Table of Approximate Surgical Fees in the United States of America

Body AreaApproximate Lower End of Range of Surgical Fee ($)Approximate Upper End Range of Surgical Fee ($)
Abdomen, upper & lower3,0007,500
Abdomen, lower2,000 2,000
Back, female1,5004,000
Breasts, female3,0007,500
Breasts, male3,0005,000
Chin, Cheeks, Jowls, Neck2,0004,500
Flanks, male2,0005,000
Anterior Thighs & Knees2,0005,000
Inner (Thighs & Knees)2,0005,000
Outer Thighs1,6005,000
(Total fee = All Surgical Fees + Non-Surgical Fee). If an anesthesiologist is required, then an additional fee must be anticipated.

Home Remedy for Head Louse

Head louse, though not a serious ailment, can cause a lot of irritation. Some common methods of head louse treatment are mentioned below. (Use ANY ONE depending on the availability of ingredients)

1. This method uses olive oil and white vinegar as ingredients. Soak the hair in olive oil at night before you sleep. The next morning wash hair as normal to remove the oil. Now use plain white vinegar to rinse the hair. Wait for a period of 5 minutes and then use warm water to wash away the vinegar. This dissolves the louse eggs. Repeat this for 4-5 days.

2. This uses mayonnaise, shampoo, and conditioner. Apply mayonnaise throughout hair and scalp, wait for about an hour. Rinse clean, comb out, and then again wash and condition the hair.

3. Use Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and conditioner for a period of 4-5 days.

4. You need Vasoline, plastic cap, peanut butter and shampoo. Put the vasoline on hair apply cap, leave on overnight. On the next morning apply peanut butter to get the vasoline out. Use Shampoo and rinse the hair with warm water.

Home Remedy for Acne

Before looking at acne treatments or acne cures, it would be informative to know what could be causing acne. Acne may be caused due to bad skin care, hormonal changes or wrong food habits.

You may try out ANY ONE of the following remedies depending on the availability of ingredients.

1. Grind nutmeg, mix it with unboiled milk and apply on affected area.

2. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to create a paste. Apply this paste to the pimples before you sleep and wash off the next morning with warm water. Do this for a period of two weeks.

3. Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

4. Create a paste by grinding orange peel with water and apply.

5. Rubbing fresh garlic on and around the pimples are known to help too if done regularly.

6. Use fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

7. Another suggested remedy is to apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples, keep up to 1 hour and then wash.

8. Grated cucumber applied over the face for 20-30 minutes has been found effective.

Additional tips

Avoid strong tea/coffee, soft drinks and processed foods and include more fruits and fruit juices in your diet.
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