Saturday, August 2, 2008

Home Remedy for Herpes

Here are a few home remedies for Herpes

1. Set on the "cool" setting, a hairdryer can give instant cooling relief to painful sores.

2. Use Ice cubes on the sore, this can give relief.

3. Cold tea bags applied to the infected area every hour may be beneficial. This is because tea bags contain tannic acid which is thought to have antiviral properties, best used at the first sign of an outbreak.

4. Slightly dampen a cotton ball or tissue, dip it in Baking Soda (also called Bi-Carbonate Soda) and coat the infected area. Leave on the sore to dry out the infection and to help relieve itching.

5. Apply Vitamin E oil on the skin

6. Apply Aloe Vera gel on the sores.

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